What Is the Objective of Marketing?

Apr 5, 2024 | Commentary, Data & Analytics, Strategy

Marketing objectives are the cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign. Have you set marketing goals for your business? Do you have marketing objectives that are based on real, historical data? Or do you set goals based on some subjective instinct or desire? Let’s look at the importance of setting clear and actionable marketing objectives, explore examples of effective marketing goals, and provide practical tips for setting and tracking marketing objectives to drive business growth.

Understanding the Importance of Marketing Objectives

Marketing objectives lay the foundation for strategic planning and execution, guiding marketing efforts toward specific outcomes that align with broader business goals. By defining clear and measurable objectives, businesses can focus their resources and efforts on activities that drive tangible results, such as increasing brand awareness, generating leads, or driving conversions.

From our perspective, the objective of the marketing agency or marketing team is to drive the cost of customer acquisition down. This means finding ways to reach and engage high-converting audiences at the lowest cost possible. Costs would include everything from time spent on sales and marketing to advertising and media buying. We broke down the various aspects of marketing performance measurement including how to compare customer acquisition costs versus customer lifetime value.

What is the Objective of Marketing – (Video Transcript)

The objective of the marketer is to drive the cost per customer acquisition down. That means getting leads at a cheaper rate, getting high-quality leads, getting leads that convert better, and really focusing on that. Now, that’s not something that just happens overnight. You don’t just launch into digital marketing and all of a sudden it’s all happening now. It can happen, because in some cases you have a very specialized product, or a very low competition industry, or in your specific area, you’ve just launched something that doesn’t exist. And now everyone wants what you have. But at the end of the day, typically, that’s not the norm. The norm is, over time, six to 12 months, you get a sense, you get a really good sense of the foundation of what does it cost to acquire a customer based on a current marketing approach. Now, here’s the difference. The approach that you take will dictate and impact the results that you get. So in some cases, you might have an approach that’s generating you some new customers, new business, and helping you grow, but it may not be as optimized as another approach would be with different tactics, different strategies, different allocations of time. I’d say the objective of your digital marketing is twofold. How do I drive the cost of customer acquisition down? And two, how do I do that as quickly as possible? That is really the ultimate objective of any marketing approach that you should be instituting.

Characteristics of Effective Marketing Objectives

Effective objectives possess key characteristics that make them actionable and measurable:

  1. Specificity and Clarity: Clear and specific marketing objectives provide a roadmap for success, outlining precisely what needs to be achieved and by when. This clarity enables marketers to focus their efforts and resources on activities that directly contribute to achieving the desired outcomes.
  2. Relevance to Business Goals: Marketing objectives should align closely with the broader goals and objectives of the business, ensuring that marketing efforts drive meaningful results and contribute to overall business growth and success.
  3. Achievability and Realism: While marketing objectives should be ambitious, they should also be realistic and attainable within a given timeframe and with the available resources. Setting achievable goals fosters a sense of accomplishment and motivation, driving continued progress and success.

Examples of Marketing Goals

While we focus on finding ways to drive customer acquisition costs down, we realize that each channel and platform offers its own unique performance data. This means setting goals specific to these channels. Here are a few examples of channel-specific objectives using figures just for illustration. These aren’t necessarily the targets you should be setting.

  1. Increase Brand Awareness on Social Media: Increase brand awareness by 25% within six months through targeted social media advertising campaigns and influencer partnerships.
  2. Grow Website Leads: Generate 100 new web leads per month through a combination of SEO, website content creation, and pay-per-click advertising.
  3. Improve Conversion Rates: Increase website conversion rate by 10% over the next quarter by optimizing landing pages, improving user experience, and implementing targeted remarketing campaigns.

Setting and Tracking Marketing Objectives

Setting and tracking marketing objectives involves a strategic approach to goal-setting and performance monitoring. It starts with identifying the metrics that matter most to your business, but ultimately, everything you track should drive toward growth and/or efficiency.

  1. Define Clear Goals: Clearly define objectives that align with business goals and objectives.
  2. Utilize Analytics Tools: Leverage analytics tools to track and measure key metrics and KPIs related to objectives, enabling real-time monitoring and performance analysis.
  3. Regularly Monitor Progress: Continuously monitor campaign performance against established objectives, identifying areas for improvement and optimization to drive better results.
  4. Adjust Strategies as Needed: Based on performance data and insights, make data-driven adjustments to marketing strategies and tactics to optimize performance and achieve desired outcomes.

By prioritizing the setting and tracking of clear and actionable marketing objectives, your business can maximize the effectiveness of marketing efforts and drive sustainable growth and success. With a strategic approach to goal-setting and performance monitoring, you can unlock the full potential of marketing initiatives and achieve the kind of growth you are looking for.