Expert digital marketing insights.

Strategy Insights

What Is the Objective of Marketing?

What Is the Objective of Marketing?

Marketing objectives are the cornerstone of any successful marketing campaign. Have you set marketing goals for your business? Do you have marketing objectives that are based on real, historical data? Or do you set goals based on some subjective instinct or desire?...

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Marketing Performance Measurement: Is My Marketing Working?

Marketing Performance Measurement: Is My Marketing Working?

In the ever-evolving landscape of marketing, one question reigns supreme: Is my marketing actually working? It's a query that plagues businesses of all sizes, yet the answer lies in the data. It's essential to delve into the metrics of customer acquisition cost (CAC)...

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How to Build a Brand Identity Online

How to Build a Brand Identity Online

Wondering how to build a brand identity? In today's digital world, building a strong brand online is essential for businesses of all sizes and a strong brand can differentiate your business from competitors. Also, it can increase customer loyalty which supports in...

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Your Google Ad Performance Is Getting Worse – Here’s Why

Your Google Ad Performance Is Getting Worse – Here’s Why

Google Ad performance is the measurement of results driven by paid online advertising on Google’s advertising platform. The determination of whether performance is good or bad is a function of the goals and objectives of each campaign. For example, a YouTube campaign...

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How To Build An Email Marketing Strategy – The Basics

How To Build An Email Marketing Strategy – The Basics

When looking for ways to market your business, email marketing can be a cost effective way to connect with your current or future customers. While cost effective, many companies are sending emails and hoping for opens and clicks. Though that tactic may see some...

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6 Ways To Improve Your Speed to Lead

6 Ways To Improve Your Speed to Lead

Attention is arguably one of the hardest things to capture in any context. Whether out to eat with friends, or marketing your business online, distractions are everywhere and life tends to move very quickly. One Microsoft study puts attention spans around 8 seconds on...

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What Is Marketing Operations & Why Does It Matter?

What Is Marketing Operations & Why Does It Matter?

Marketing operations is the integration of any type of technology, system or process that supports marketers in driving key business results. From software and analytics set up, to conversion tracking, marketing operations helps marketing teams work more effectively....

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Link Building: The Hardest, Most Powerful Tactic for Local SEO

Link Building: The Hardest, Most Powerful Tactic for Local SEO

When it comes to search engine optimization (SEO), it is critical to try and think like Google. While Google’s search algorithm is the company’s secret sauce, they do offer some general insight into how search engine algorithms work. According to Google: With the...

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Why Word-of-Mouth Recommendations Aren’t Enough Anymore

Why Word-of-Mouth Recommendations Aren’t Enough Anymore

It isn’t hard to believe that word-of-mouth recommendations from people you know is the most trusted form of “advertising.” While you might not think of these kinds of recommendations as advertising, they most certainly are. It’s a type of “earned” advertising that...

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Hiring A Marketing Agency in 2020? Here’s What To Look For

Hiring A Marketing Agency in 2020? Here’s What To Look For

Any business that is looking to grow in 2020 or expand into new markets understands the importance of an effective digital marketing strategy and hiring a marketing agency to execute that strategy. From both the strategy development to the execution, your marketing...

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What You Need to Know About Marketing Funnels

What You Need to Know About Marketing Funnels

You’ve probably heard or read about “marketing funnels” or “click funnels.” The idea isn’t new and is pretty simple – when someone engages with your website, your web design and call-to-actions seek to move a user towards a key action or purchase. However, the art of...

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Google Is Driving Fewer Clicks to Your Website & Here’s Why

Google Is Driving Fewer Clicks to Your Website & Here’s Why

While you may not have noticed, Google has been evolving the search engine results page (SERP) for years. What use to show up as a selection of the most relevant "organic" blue links has now become a page diverse with images, maps, ads and answers to your questions....

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The Relativity & Illusion of Digital Marketing ROI

The Relativity & Illusion of Digital Marketing ROI

Imagine a city where on the same day two coffee shops open that have very similar menu items from a product and quality perspective. There are no other competing coffee shops or cafes nearby. One of the businesses has invested in a robust digital marketing strategy...

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Starting a Business? Do These 4 Things First

Starting a Business? Do These 4 Things First

Entrepreneurs and small business owners usually get started with a dream, a passion, a skill, an idea, an intuition, some luck and sometimes a push from the people around them. Spending the time visualizing the business and the work is extremely exciting, but starting...

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9 SEO Tips for Improving Your Ranking on Google in 2019

9 SEO Tips for Improving Your Ranking on Google in 2019

Last month we presented a MarketingBitz webinar exploring the state of the search engine results page (SERP) on Google, how its changed, and offered 9 search engine optimization (SEO) tips to utilize in 2019 to improve your business's organic rank and your rank in the...

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Is Digital Marketing a Cost of Doing Business?

Is Digital Marketing a Cost of Doing Business?

Of course we think digital marketing is a cost of doing business. We're a digital marketing agency! But there's more than just self-interest behind our perspective. The reality of today's digital consumer is that the vast majority of people, from Gen Z to Boomers, are...

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Do Digital Marketing Growth Hacks Exist?

Do Digital Marketing Growth Hacks Exist?

Sales pressure and revenue objectives often push many businesses into pursuing growth “hacks” and various short-term and in some cases unethical digital marketing strategies. From email list buying, to keyword stuffing, to soliciting reviews from friends/family,...

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